verse of the day

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Compromise. [ Daniel 3 ]

There's been a load of compromises,on the road to my horizon,so goes the words from an old song. It may only be what we would call a secular song ,
but many of, us can identify with those words. It has been said that the art
of politics,is compromise,likewise if labour disputes are to be resolved there
has to be compromise.There is legitimate compromises and ill- legitimate compromises,and its the latter that causes us concern.One tries to be consistent to only make  legitimate compromises,but somehow we fail,and we look back with regret.Cardinal Wolsey was lord, chancellor during Henry V111 reign,but he was hated by Anne Boleyn who became Henry's
wife,and she conspired to destroy him.The king had him arrested and was being brought to the Tower of  London,to be tried,and to be executed.
Before he reached the tower he became very ill ,and was taken to Leicester
Abbey,where he died,but before he died,he said,'' If  I had served God as
diligently as I had served the King,he would not have given me over in my
grey hairs''. For him there had been a load of compromises,and he paid the price,we all can justify making ill-legitimate compromises,but what we will
find like Wolsey,there is a price to pay.which we will find hard to live with.
                                            A  prayer.
Dear God help us all to not follow the worldly adage of  the means justifying the end,in mercy help us,to be faithful to you in all things
in Jesus name Amen.

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