verse of the day

Friday 12 August 2016

Per Solam Fidem .[ Romans 4 v 3/5v1 ]

I have started to read again the life of Gods outlaw,William Tyndale the
great translated the word of God into English.At that time very few people had a Bible,most of the Bibles were in Latin,which very few could read.At
that time the papacy ruled,but not in truth,then God raised up Martin Luther,
a man who was a professor of theology.Brian Moynahan writes this ,''His life was earnest;he prayed,he fasted,he carried out penances and made lists
of his sins. 'And yet my conscience kept nagging,' he wrote.''It kept telling me;''You fell short there....You were not sorrybenough...You left that sin off your list,'' Redemption,he feared,was denied him. He sought to ease the pain in his soul with' human remedies,the traditions of men'.''All his religiosity
brought no relief until he read ,six words from the epistle to the Romans,
'' The righteous shall live by faith''Then he realised that nothing the then church prescribed ,or any thing he did could save him,The Christian was justified  per solam fidem,by faith alone,and so began what we now called the reformation.Now I started writing about William Tyndale,I will continue  with him next time.
                                       A  prayer.
Dear God we thank that You ,that through faith alone in Jesus we are saved

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