verse of the day

Saturday 20 August 2016

Witnessing [Acts 1 v8]

I have a confession to make I don't always witness when I should,I think my time in social services has made me more cautious,than I should be.Why do we to witness to people?because Jesus said we should[ Acts 1v8].There are different reasons why we don't witness,we don't want people to think we are religious nuts.We want to be liked,for people to think well of us,who wants to be despised,no one,but of course the one we follow was despised [Isaiah 53 v3 ].The  thought of speaking to others about Jesus,for many is something they would rather run away from,they feel they just cannot do it.I wear a little cross around my neck ,as a witness,but I know that it is not enough,I must tell them about Christ who died on a cross to save them.If a person is married to a non Christian,they cannot be bombarding them with words as regards their faith,but they can live a godly life.That would also apply  to the work place, but that does not mean that we don't speak of Christ.Yes I don't always speak to people about Jesus,but many times I have,of course I have made mistakes,I am no super evangelist,but I have never lost sight of peoples need of Christ,and my responsibility to tell them
                                       A prayer.
Dear God help us in all weakness to live the gospel,and to tell forth the gospel for our Saviours sake Amen.

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