verse of the day

Friday 16 September 2016

No. [ 1 Corinthians 13 ]

As I began to read my Bible reading I read,''Husbands,love your wives and do not be harsh with them''[ Colossiams3 v19].My sense of humor took over
as I heard myself saying,no,I laughed at what I had said.Yet it is no laughing matter,because it challenges us to obedience,obedience to God.
Marriage we are told is not to be entered into lightly,because after the honey
-moon period,reality will begin to kick in.Husbands we do marry perfect wives,no more than our wives marry perfect husbands.In many cultures it is
the husband that rules,and often that rule can be harsh,can be severe with wives receiving a beating.The word of God challenges such behaviour,and
such an attitude,and challenges us all to love,if you want to know what that means ,consider the following,''Husbands, love your wives,juat as Christ loved the church,and gave himself up for her''[Ephesians 5 v25]
                                        A  prayer.
Dear God and Father help us love each other ,as Christ loved us. Amen.

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