verse of the day

Monday 20 February 2017

The travelling people.. [ Mark 1 v 16-20 ]

In Ireland there are people known as travellers, people of no fixed abode,
they move around. This is not a new thing we read about such people in the Bible whom we are told admitted that they were aliens and strangers on
earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking about the country they had left ,they would have had opportunity to return. Instead they were longing for a better country a heavenly one. Therefore God their God is not ashamed to be called their God for he has prepared a city for them.[ Hebrews 11 v13-15 ]Many of Gods people living in troubled areas of this world, have been driven out of lands which there  forefathers have lived in for centuries, do pray for them. The word of God tells us that the things that are seen are temporal, that includes this planet earth [Isaiah 65 v17 ].Our Lord challenged those of us who grasped to tightly to the things of this life, and the danger that they brought.[Luke 16 v23]He challenged those who followed him, to act in a way that went against human reasoning[Matthew 19 v16ff]To Love Him more than their nearest and dearest, calling them to forsake all, and follow Him, and become the travelling people.

                            Will you come and follow Me,
                             if I but call your name?
                             Will you go where you don't know
                             And never be the same?
                             Will you let my love be shown,
                             Will you let my name be known,
                             Will you let My life be grown in you,
                              And you in Me?
                                     [Words by G. Maule/ J.L. Bell]

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