verse of the day

Sunday 14 May 2017

A good adverisement [ 2 Corinthians 3 v2 ]

David Jackson wrote the following,'' the greatest of scholars are frequently the humblest of people''. True humility is a very precious quality, because it
is truly Christ like, we see it displayed by many people in the Bible, but of course we  must not just relegate it to the Bible, Paul the apostle told those who were challenging his apostleship, to look at those who were saved  through his ministry. Their lives appear as an open letter of what a Christian should be [2Corinthians 3 v2].William Barclay write,'' When we go out into the world, we have the awe-inspiring responsibility of being open letters, advertisements, for Christ and his Church''.  That means manifesting Christian love, and forgiveness ,I read recently of a lady running a Christian ministry in Afghanistan, someone threw a rock through a window in the premises they were working at. Then they received a threatening phone call, it was discovered that it was one of the people employed by the ministry as a teacher. The immediate reaction was to punish him by sacking him, but the lady remembered what Jesus taught as regards forgiving your enemies. She went to the person and told him she forgive him, which shocked him, .and it had a tremendous effect on him. I am sure as Christians we should manifest a reality that will shock people.

                                          A  prayer.
Dear Lord help us to walk humbly before you and before our fellow men,
to manifest a Christ likeness that will shock and challenge , Amen.

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