verse of the day

Monday 18 September 2017

A mystery ( John 1 v 1/ v 14 )

                Solomon  built a temple ,it would signify the presence
                God . It was important but not all important.................
                Solomon prayed,'' But will God really dwell on earth? The
                heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How
                much less this temple I have built''. ( 1 Kings 8 v 27 ) Where
                is God ,the answer is Heaven ( Matthew 6 v 9 ) John W. Olley
                writes , ''We have difficulties with language to describe God
                 as  both 'hear with us' ( immanent ) and yet far beyond us
                 (  transcendent ),as he further writes    ''God cannot be
                 constrained by a building''. The mystery of Christ coming into
                 this world is that He was God. How can one fully explain
                 this mystery? ,the reality is we cannot . The scripture clearly
                 leaves us in no doubt as to  His divinity, and so we believe.

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