verse of the day

Saturday 14 April 2018

The lottery ( Luke 12 v 16 - 21 )

I received an invitation to enter the post code lottery,years ago people did the football pools,lotteries have become big business all over the world. The question is this if  a person won a lottery prize,would  all their troubles fade away?,would life hold nothing  but unrefined joy,now don't get me wrong, there is nothing nice about being really poor,where children go hungry, and when illness comes ,and you no money to buy medicine..There are many in this world who suffer so much because of poverty.  But most people in this country, have homes,food education,doctors,colour TVs,cars ,holidays etc, and yet they think if they  had a lot of money their lives would be perfect. Not so because we live in a fallen world, money does not solve everything, it never will.The castles we build for ourselves can so easily fall down, our hoarded nest eggs can suddenly vanish.We think they will last for ever and a day,but they wont,for the grim reaper will break into all our lives,and then what.?.So many ,many people live as if they do not need God,the reality is,He above all else is what we need most.Jesus says to all us follow me just like He said to the the disciples of old.Not to a life without problems, but a life with the problem solver.Not to a life fashioned to our dreams and desires  ,but a life that sees beyond every sorrow ,pain ,and disappointment ,to a greater glory. The journey may be difficult, but  there will be one with all those who trust  Jesus ,every  step of the way.

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